April 2020 - Golden Wings
An Egret greets the dawn light on the black waters of the Nyamithi.
July 2019 - Failing at Photography
Is it possible to photograph too much? I certainly think so and sometimes taking a break is the only way to reinvigorate our images.
June 2019 - Mirrorless Viewfinders Don’t Cut It
June 2019 - When you look at wildlife through a camera lens for hours on end, often the view is of a magnificent animal in its prime. The view through a mirrorless camera often crushes the blacks and whites and just doesn’t look the same. We often forget the experience of nature photography when taking pictures. It’s worth remembering that.
May 2019 - Winter Fire
May 2019 - Winter is a wonderful time for wildlife photography. It’s a time of low suns, slow to rise and to set. It’s a time of dust and hardship. Thirst and hunger and sometimes, of biting cold and frosty breath.
April 2019 - The Autumn Grasslands
April 2019 - Each month I post my favourite photo and tell the story of how it came about.